
Age 24
Weapon Blazefire Saber Gunblade
Traditional Gunblade
Ethnicity human/Warrior of goddess
sister sarah
Ultimate Weapon
Omega Weapon
Eidolon Odin
Height 5' 7" (171 cm)
Laterality Right handed
Home Bodhum/Cocoon
Crystarium Color Pink
Primary Roles Commando, Ravager, Medic
Exclusive Skill Army of One

"Lightning. It flashes bright, then fades away. It can't protect. It only destroys."

fine you go on begging like this thing gives a damn what we want !

it this thing's fault the purge statarted and it's people who are dying!

sereh told us to seve cocoon that means this thing need to die!

im donig this for sereh!

You became a l'Cie, so now you're gonna marry this idiot? And you think I'm gonna buy that? Full points for originality. But, don't forget. If you really are a l'Cie, it's my job to deal with you."

Lightning's father died when she was young, and her mother died from an unknown sickness when she was fifteen. With no other family to turn to, Lightning was given the job of raising her younger sister, Serah. In an attempt to get over the pain her parents' deaths caused and become an adult as quickly as possible, she decided to change her name from Claire Farron to simply "Lightning".

After graduating from high school, Lightning decided to join the Guardian Corps Bodhum Security Regiment under Lieutenant Amodar, where she attained the rank of sergeant, and was scheduled for officer training before the events of the game. However, she slowly began to lose sight of her goals, and worked many hours while spending little time with Serah.

Lightning majors in the Commando, Ravager and Medic roles. Compared to most of her companions, she has rather high physical and magical attack stats, making her best role the Ravager due to her ability to effectively use both Physical and Magical spells of an equal level of power, though her weapons give the lowest stat boosts.

Magic-wise, Lightning is quite utilitarian, able to use all four elemental "-strike" attacks, all elemental magic to the "-Ra" rank, as well as Thundaga. Lightning's Full ATB Skill, Army of One, increases the target's Stagger gauge based on the current chain count.

The storm is here!" —Lightning before performing Zantetsuken with Odin's Gestalt Mode Main article

Lightning's Eidolon, Odin, takes the form of a large armored knight with a two-bladed sword joined at the hilt, and in Gestalt Mode is able to transform into the horse Sleipnir, which Lightning rides on while wielding Odin's sword split in two. In non-Gestalt form Odin uses a combination of Thunder based spells and physical attacks. Lightning has multiple ways to help with both her Ravager role to boost the enemies' chain gauge, and her Commando role to keep the gauge high.


Lightning's initial weapon, Blazefire Saber, has multiple inscriptions that read "Invoke my name - I am Spark" and "blinding instant" written in the Pulsian alphabet. In Cocoon writing, her name, Lightning, is also engraved on the weapon

A copy of Lightning is fought as a DLC boss in the Coliseum (-??? AF-) alongside Amodar. Once acquired, Lightning can be recruited as a Ravager in the Paradigm Deck. Lightning comes with Ravager spells, and physical variations of the spells that she would normally have. Her Feral Link is Army of One

■Blazefire Saber
■Axis Blade
■Edged Carbine
■Razor Carbine

■Ultima Weapon
■Omega Weapon

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